Create happiness for your loved ones or yourself!

Buy contemporary abstract fine art from the artist directly with free UK delivery!

Browse my 450+ artworks
1, Find your favourite 2, Select size 3, Order it & send me a photo once it’s on your wall

Discover my contemporary abstract fine art canvas prints, perfect for any living room or workspace. They look and feel like my original paintings. With modern designs and vibrant colours, my hand-painted fine art prints will make a statement and enhance your room’s aesthetic. They’re ideal for art enthusiasts, interior decorators, or anyone looking for a unique gift.

I only deliver inside the United Kingdom at the moment.


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Do you want something unique, just for you?

Let's create a custom piece of art that resonates with your unique style

Intuitive Abstract art - pick colours & get a canvas print

Get a custom-made large abstract painting in your chosen colours and my intuition without breaking the bank. You’ll receive a 33.1×46.8 inch rolled canvas print or a 40×55 inch canvas print, with free UK delivery. It costs about 20% of the original’s price, but it looks and feels just like it.

Abstract art - original paintings

To commission an original custom abstract fine art painting, collaborate with me to create a unique piece tailored to your preferences. We’ll discuss your desired colour palette, mood, and any specific elements you envision for the artwork.

Abstract Brand Creations for Entrepreneurs

You’ll receive custom abstract artworks that capture your brand’s essence; all are in your brand’s colours in a mesmerising expressive style in only a digital format. You can use them for your website or social media or even print them on merchandise or canvas prints for your office or your home!